Get Organized and Keep Score

Does your financial life feel like a chaotic puzzle with pieces scattered across various accounts? It's a common scenario — juggling multiple credit cards, savings accounts, and more can lead to a disorganized mess. The key to achieving a happier and more peaceful financial life begins with organization. One powerful tool for achieving this is the Net Worth Statement.

Why Create a Net Worth Statement?

1. Organization is Key:

The Net Worth Statement acts as a centralized hub for all your financial accounts. It provides a comprehensive list, detailing ownership, and clarifying joint holdings, especially relevant for those managing finances as a couple.

2. Strategic Planning:

Without a clear list of all your accounts, crafting a strategic financial plan becomes challenging. The Net Worth Statement serves as the foundation for developing a game plan to simplify your financial life and optimize money management.

3. Tracking Progress:

Keeping a Net Worth Statement allows you to monitor your financial progress over time. Are you better off this year than the last? It serves as a scoreboard, helping you evaluate the impact of your efforts and savings.

4. Legacy Planning:

Beyond your own lifetime, a Net Worth Statement becomes a valuable asset for your executor or family members. It provides a detailed roadmap for settling your estate smoothly, ensuring that your financial affairs are handled with ease.

Building Your Net Worth Statement:

1. Gather Information:

Collect statements from all your financial accounts, including bank accounts, investment portfolios, real estate, and debts. This comprehensive list is the foundation of your Net Worth Statement.

2. Categorize Assets, Liabilities, and Ownership:

Differentiate between assets, liabilities, and if the account is owned individually or joint. Assets may include savings, investments, and property, while liabilities cover debts like mortgages and loans. This categorization provides a clear snapshot of your financial standing.

3. Calculate Net Worth:

Subtract your total liabilities from your total assets to determine your net worth. This simple calculation offers a powerful insight into your overall financial health.

4. Regular Updates:

Your Net Worth Statement is not a one-time task. Regularly update it at least annually to reflect changes in your financial landscape, ensuring that it remains an accurate reflection of your current situation.

For a Net Worth Statement Example of a made-up Incline Financial Planning client: Click Here

If you need help creating your own Net Worth Statement, sign up for a Complimentary Financial Plan or DIY with this template: Click Here


A Net Worth Statement is more than just a financial document; it's a tool for achieving financial clarity, making informed decisions, and leaving a legacy for your loved ones. By taking the time to get organized and keep score, you're not only on the path to a more peaceful financial life but also creating a roadmap for future financial success. Start building your Net Worth Statement today and witness the transformative power of financial organization.


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